• What is the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan (AIPP)?
    • What is the background to the AIPP?

The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan is a framework bringing together different sectors across the island of Ireland to create a landscape where pollinators can survive and thrive.

It comes from the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy which highlights the ‘plight of the pollinator’. This has been supported by extensive policy such as the EU’S New Deal for Pollinators framework (updated January 2023).

The AIPP actively addresses this time-critical biodiversity challenge. Now in its eighth year and second iteration, it is a shared plan of action, building on targets to halt and reverse pollinators decline by 2030. The next phase of the AIPP 2026-2030 is currently in development.

the AIPP features in the 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan 2023-2030 ‘Actions for Biodiversity’ Review the National Biodiversity Indicators here.

Implementation of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2021-2025 is coordinated by the National Biodiversity Data Centre. The National Biodiversity Data Centre is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Register Number: 730718. 

    • Is the AIPP aiming to protect the island’s natural capital and mitigate climate change?

The AIPP remains, and will always be, a biodiversity plan of action for the island without political affiliation or agenda other than to; preserve and protect the natural capital for generations to come; shape guidance based on evidence; and, mitigate, where possible, the effect of climate change.

The AIPP is a voluntary, non-regulatory, nature-positive framework. Businesses should do their own due diligence to support evidence-based actions delivered.

    • Who’s who at the Plan?

The implementation of the AIPP is coordinated by the National Biodiversity Data Centre. Find out more about the AIPP team, steering group, and the Irish Pollinator Research Network.

The AIPP has a number of Partners who deliver and report on the 186 actions, and a large network of Business supporters and Supporting organisations.

    • How is the AIPP set up in terms of governance and accountability?

A 15-member steering group oversees the AIPP 2021-2025. 

All pollinator-friendly actions delivered by Business supporters are tracked on the Actions for Pollinators (GIS) secure data mapping portal.

As of December 2023, approximately 316 businesses are implementing actions within the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan across the island. They are supported by over 100 NGOs and government organisations (including every local authority on the island of Ireland), and thousands of communities, gardeners, and farmers.

The AIPP is aligned with Bia’s Origin Green food sustainability programme as pollinator actions supporting members’ biodiversity targets. The Agri-business officer position is part-funded by Bord Bia’s Origin Green food sustainability programme. 

  • Why should my business sign up to the AIPP?
    • Why protect wild bees and other pollinators?

On this island, one third of our 100+wild bee species is threatened with extinction (Source: Irish Bee Red List 2006, National Parks and Wildlife Service). They are starving and have nowhere to live as a consequence of how we manage the landscape.

Wild bees and other pollinators provide us with an ecosystem service: pollination. 71 of the 100 crops providing 90% of the world’s food supply are animal pollinated according to the United Nations Environment Programme.

    • Why is the AIPP considered an entry-level into biodiversity?

By protecting pollinators, we can begin to protect wider biodiversity. The AIPP’s simple structure is suitable for businesses of any size and in all sectors, from multi-site corporates to SME and micro-enterprises. The AIPP provides the following:

      • Guidelines to inform choices on evidence-based, pollinator-biodiversity action. These actions can be easily integrated into a Sustainability Strategy (Biodiversity Pillar) with simple SMART targets.
      • Reporting and accountability systems: he Business Supporters Annual Review and the publicly-available Actions for Pollinators GIS system.
      • Information about how to monitor pollinators on your site through formal, scientifically robust schemes such as the monthly Bumblebee Monitoring Scheme, the simple weekly Flower Insect Timed Counts or via regular one-off (casual) records. Each of these schemes is verified by the National Biodiversity Data Centre.
      • A monthly business newsletter: with up-to-date information, advice and news for business supporters.

The AIPP is aligned to both ISO14001:2015 and SDGs 15 & 13, and, can be integrated into any Environmental Management System or ESG/CSR structure.

    • What are some key facts about pollinators?
      • On the island of Ireland, most pollination is carried out by wild bees, and to a lesser extent other insects such as hoverflies and moths.
      • We have over 100 different types of wild bee on the island of Ireland. 20% are bumblebees, 80% are solitary bees. We have one native honey bee, which isn’t currently in decline.
      • A bee with a full tummy is only 40 minutes from starvation.
      • In early spring, a queen bumblebee needs thousands of flowers per day. She will also need lots of food in autumn (e.g. Bramble or Ivy) to prepare for hibernation.
      • Bumblebees live in long grass and at the base of hedgerows, solitary mining bees live in bare soil (south facing earth banks) and cavity nesting bees live in the likes of old stone walls or existing holes in wood.
      • Bumblebees generally forage within 1km of their nest, but often much less. Solitary bees forage within 300m of their nest. An increase in 150m between nesting site and food (flowers) can reduce the number of viable offspring by more than 70%.
      • Different bee species have different size tongues, therefore need different sizes and shapes of flowers.
      • Pollinators need a range of flowers blooming between February and October, in sufficient volumes and within proximity to their nest.
  • How can my business sign up to the AIPP and is there a cost?
    • How do I sign up?

Sign and send the Business Framework form (plus your logo) to [email protected] and create an account and map your first site on Actions for Pollinators (GIS) biodiversity-accountability portal.

There is no cost to sign up and all resources are free to use.

    • Do I have to sign up to Actions for Pollinators (GIS) biodiversity accountability portal?

Yes. This is a mandatory requirement when you commit to support the AIPP. The accumulated data (i.e. evidence-based actions mapped by businesses) on Actions for Pollinators (GIS), shapes the AIPP evidence-based guidelines. 

    • Is reporting to AIPP a mandatory requirement?

Yes. Once a year (by 30 September) businesses must submit a short 300-word report on evidence-based actions to support pollinators as part of the Annual Review.

We also require confirmation of mapped actions on Actions for Pollinators (GIS) the biodiversity-accountability portal. GIS data capture is from 1 January – 31 December in any given year, so it is important to input your actions promptly to reflect your actions within that specific year. Even if you repeat the same actions year on year, you must still click ‘SUBMIT’ each year.

  • Is AIPP aligned to Bord Bia’s Origin Green Programme?

Yes, Bord Bia Origin Green’s food sustainability programme includes the AIPP and ‘Pollinator Actions’ as part of members’ biodiversity targets. 

  • We need expert/ecological advice to find out what pollinators-biodiversity is on our site – who would you recommend?

The AIPP cannot recommend a specific service or product. For expert ecological advice visit: The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. If commissioning a baseline Ecological Survey ask that the National Pollinator Monitoring methodology is included, available from AIPP. Repeat the survey every 5 years.

  • How many pollinator-friendly actions should our business work on per year?

We recommend working on one action in the first year, and a minimum of two actions in each subsequent year. You’ll probably find you are already delivering multiple actions on your site(s).

No physical site? Check out the Communication Actions.

Align your monthly Communication Actions with the AIPP AIPP Comms Plan 2024 (abridged).

  • What are the top ten actions our business can take to protect pollinators?

You can find a full list of pollinator-friendly actions in the guidelines Businesses: Actions to help pollinators. 

A summary of our top ten actions for pollinators can be found here: Top Ten Ways to Help Pollinators.

As a first step, we always recommend identifying and protecting existing pollinator-friendly habitats on your site. You might be surprised by what’s already there.

If you don’t have any land or outdoor space, there are many ways to help pollinators through Communication Actions.

  • Would you recommend adding honeybee hives to our site(s)?

Honeybees are NOT under threat and as a managed pollinator are NOT considered a biodiversity action as part of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. Increased numbers of honey bees may create competition for food for wild bees. A wonderful hobby, but if you are considering honeybee hives please refer to the relevant beekeeping associations for expert advice. READ MORE HERE

  • Should we sow wildflower seed mixes?

Non-native, (brightly-coloured) wildflower seed (including bulk/seed packets/seed ball type products) is NOT considered helpful to the island’s landscape and may contain invasive species such as Black Grass which is potentially devastating for our agricultural land. The AIPP recommends, where possible, natural regeneration of wildflowers through a change in management – reduced mowing and removal of cuttings to reduce soil fertility will allow wildflowers to flourish. READ MORE HERE Why we don’t recommend wildflower seed mixes » All-Ireland Pollinator Plan (

  • We have a native naturally-regenerated wildflower meadow on our site; should we keep it?

Yes. What an amazing biodiversity highlight. Leave it as is and protect it (i.e. don’t go planting an orchard).. READ MORE on the benefits of a naturally regenerated meadow vs an ornamental meadow (Page 6).

  • Would you recommend wildflower seed packets/bee bombs as a corporate gift?

If you are considering corporate gifts for employees/community partners please avoid wildflower seed packets/seed ball type products. Studies have shown they often contain non-native species, despite what the packet says, and can inadvertently introduce invasive species. Choose pollinator-friendly bulbs, herbs, sunflowers, or fruit and vegetables seeds instead.  Or consider a poster, bumblebee workshop, or a swatch available through the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s online shop.

  • Is the hedgerow important on our site(s)?

Yes. Managing native species hedgerows for biodiversity is an incredibly important action for all businesses including agri-business farmer/suppliers.

Native hedgerows are a vital source of food (pollen and nectar), nesting habitat (tussocky grass at the base of the hedgerow) and are used as a ‘flight path’ by wild bees (and other wildlife) to protect from wind, rain, and predators. Popular species like Beech and Laurel don’t count – they have virtually no pollen value.

The rule of thumb for hedgerows is RETAIN | MAINTAIN | RESTORE | CREATE. Check the provenance is native to the island. A Blackthorn sourced from central Europe will flower at the wrong time of year for our native wild bees!

  • Are orchards helpful for wild bees?

Yes. Orchards, including pocket orchards (5 trees or less), are a great action. Choose a site that is has a low biodiversity value, e.g. amenity grassland. Where possible, choose Heritage fruit trees. N.B. Check out the Dispersed Urban Orchard (DUO). READ MORE HERE

  • Would you recommend installing a Green Roof?

Only the strongest of the 101 wild bee species will fly higher than the second floor so installing a wild bee garden as part of a ‘green roof’ may prove costly. It may work for invertebrates and as an open urban staff retreat space at break/lunchtime. If you are considering a green roof, review the AIPP planting recommendations on Page 24 of the Top Ten planting guide HERE.

A green roof can also be an important component of climate adaptation, urban cooling or a Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS). However always consider cost/benefit when considering a green roof on your building. READ MORE HERE.

  • How can we make our car park more pollinator friendly?

Car parks as an ‘entry point’ for customers and suppliers require a particular Health and Safety focus so the free downloadable print-ready signage is a must. Find out more here: Car Parks for pollinators flyer.

Also review the Car park Assessment Table on Page 31 of ‘Businesses: actions to help pollinators’ guideline which will allow your business to assess how pollinator friendly your car park and surrounding areas are.

  • How can we raise awareness in our ‘value chain’ in relation to pollinator-friendly actions?

There are many ways your business could raise awareness of pollinators in your value chain. Find out more here: Raise Awareness in the Value Chain

Remember, any initiative should align with AIPP evidence-based actions.

  • Where can we find the AIPP on social media?

X @PollinatorPlan 

Instagram: @allirelandpollinatorplan

Further information on pollinators and wider biodiversity can be found on the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s social media channels: 

LinkedIn: National Biodiversity Data Centre 

Facebook: @BioDataCentre

N.B. As an AIPP business supporter you will also have received the AIPP logo and your Certificate to be used online, on socials and on site.

  • As an Agri-business what are the top five things our farm-suppliers can do to support pollinators-biodiversity?

Agricultural land represents circa 65% of our island’s landscape. The AIPP Farmland Guidelines provide five evidence-based actions to make farmland more pollinator-friendly:

Considering a solar farm? REVIEW guidance HERE.

  • Our business is real estate/property development – how can we manage sites more effectively for pollinators-biodiversity?

Review Cluid’s new Landscaping & Biodiversity Guide for New Developments. This guideline is endorsed by the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan.

Think about pollinators-biodiversity at all stages of development, construction and management of properties. Refer to information and potential structures here: Irish Green Building Council – Home Performance Index (residential properties), BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).