Businesses: Actions to help pollinators – guidelines to help your business support pollinators and wider biodiversity

We all depend on the important eco-system service provided by pollinating insects such as bumblebees and solitary bees. Unfortunately, our pollinators on this island are in catastrophic decline. Businesses can lead the way in creating an island where pollinators can thrive through the evidence-based actions within this framework.

The Businesses: Actions to help pollinators guidelines contains a series of evidence-based actions, considered an ‘entry level’ into biodiversity on any site, which provides steps towards a nature-positive business model. These guidelines are suitable for: large multi-site corporates, SMEs and micro-enterprises. No physical footprint? No problem. There are lots of communication actions to consider. The AIPP Business framework is fully inclusive, allowing any business to sign up to take actions for pollinators. Registration with the AIPP does not equate to product or service endorsement. 

Features of the guidelines include a:

  • Range of 33 low/no-cost pollinator-friendly, evidence-based physical AND communication actions, including value chain suggestions.
  • Business (self) Scoring for Pollinators Checklist.
  • Car park Assessment Table to aid retailers, hotels and other sectors to identify if their car park/outdoor area is Bronze, Silver or Gold level in relation to pollinators.

To help with your decision making there is also suite of companion resources available including pollinator-friendly planting lists, sectoral guidelines, thematic guidelines (sensory garden, moon garden, biodiversity walking trail) and important advice on choosing alternatives to wildflower seed mixes and on choosing alternative actions to honeybee hives.

Governance: The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan (AIPP) has a robust governance structure, underpinned by the Irish Pollinator Research Network. The next phase will run 2026-2030.