Read More on Let’s celebrate our native hedgerows!

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Let’s celebrate our native hedgerows!

  It’s a perfect time of the year to celebrate our native hedgerows, as the early flowering Willow and Blackthorn fade, we are now being treated to an abundance of Hawthorn blossom. It’s a sure sign that spring is turning … Continued

Read More on Top Ten Ways to Help Pollinators

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Top Ten Ways to Help Pollinators

We’re often asked about the best ways to help our declining wild pollinators. Here are the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan’s top ten evidence-based actions you can take to help these important insects. If you’d prefer, you can watch our Top Ten … Continued

Read More on Cork County Council’s Pollinator Plans

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Cork County Council’s Pollinator Plans

Sharon Casey, Ecologist at Cork County Council, tells us about their plans for pollinators.   Cork Council Council has recently prepared pollinator plans for land it manages in several towns around the county. Supported by the National Biodiversity Action Plan … Continued
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