Pesticides are potent chemical cocktails that can kill, harm and disorientate pollinators. The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan encourages everyone to eliminate pesticides for the benefit of pollinators and biodiversity more widely. Plants that are considered ‘weeds’, such as Dandelions, are often hugely valuable for biodiversity. We should learn to celebrate these native wildflowers, not remove them.

However, sometimes plants need to be removed for health and safety or other reasons. For decades, synthetic herbicides like glyphosate have been used to kill unwanted plants, but many studies have shown their harmful impact on environmental and human health. In recent years, individuals, groups, organisations and public bodies have tried to move away from harmful herbicides and use alternative methods for removing plants.


Results of the Pesticide Alternatives Survey (2024)

In 2024, the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan ran a survey ‘Pesticide Alternatives’. It was sent to a range of supporters and partners to the Pollinator Plan and was also made available to the general public. The survey received 82 anonymized responses and was completed by a range of different groups and individuals across the island of Ireland, including local authorities, community groups, Tidy Towns, group water schemes, landscape contractors and individuals.

The aim of the survey was to gather information on pesticide alternatives currently being used on the island of Ireland, how effective they are, and the challenges of using them. The survey focused on five common pesticide alternatives: hot foam, steam weed control, weed burning, manual control, and organic sprays.

Read the survey summary report here: Pesticide Alternatives Survey Summary












Examples of pesticide alternative initiatives

Across the island of Ireland, many community groups and local authorities are working to find alternatives to pesticides. 

The resources below provide some examples of the work that has already taken place to find alternatives to pesticides.


Guide from Pesticide Action Network: Alternatives to herbicides-a guide for the amenity sector


Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown – Weed Control on Hard Surfaces

In 2018, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Municipal Services published their Weed Control on Hard Surfaces Development of an Integrated Weed Control Plan.  DLR has kindly provided this publication for download on our website in order to share knowledge across councils who want to move away from chemical pesticides. 


Download PDF of ‘DLR Pesticide-free Weed Control’ report



Pesticide Action UK have produced this toolkit for local authorities:

Going Pesticide Free: A Guide for Local Authorities

Read about parks, towns and campuses reducing pesticide use:


Signage template for pesticide-free zones