Read More on Collecting native Irish wildflower seeds

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Collecting native Irish wildflower seeds

Tufted Vetch flower, seed pods and seeds.   It’s feeling a lot like autumn these days, as I sit here in my woolly socks, and you’ll notice seed heads have developed on the flowers in your garden and further afield. … Continued

Read More on Cobh Tidy Towns creates a Pollinator Map

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Cobh Tidy Towns creates a Pollinator Map

Cobh Tidy Towns understands the importance of protecting and providing food sources and nesting sites for pollinating insects. Cobh has an incredible 37 sites that are managed by the community to help pollinators. Cobh is positively buzzing. And that just … Continued

Read More on Creating a local biodiversity plan

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Creating a local biodiversity plan

Temple Manor/Wilkins Residents’ Association (TMWRAC) explain the Biodiversity Plan they have created for Greenhills, Dublin 12  Temple Manor Residents’ Association was set up some seven years ago and since then has expanded to take into account the recently completed development … Continued

Read More on Making meadows in South Dublin

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Making meadows in South Dublin

Dog Daisies, Tymon Park South Dublin County Council (SDCC) manages approximately 1,500 hectares of parks (54 parks) and open spaces. SDCC signed up as a partner to the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan in 2019 and have implemented a reduced mowing regime … Continued

Read More on Magical Moths

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Magical Moths

Moths can be found anywhere, from the tops of mountains to the edges of sandy shores, on our farms and in our gardens. They play an important part in our landscape, interacting with many plants and animals. In Ireland, we … Continued

Read More on Creating a lawn spiral for pollinators

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Creating a lawn spiral for pollinators

Thanks to Rachel McKenna, from Co. Offaly, who sent in this account of the amazing meadow and ‘summer spiral’ created this year in her garden – by simply reducing grass-cutting. The result is pretty to look at, allows a meandering … Continued
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